Weather Word
Spoken or Visual Weather Forecasts
Spoken or Visual Weather Forecasts
Weather Word offers the options to:
Speak the forecasts with mouse clicks of the condition images
Display the forecasts on hover in tooltips
Four style variants (displayed on hover) are included:
3-Day vertical 3-Day horizontal 7-Day horizontal 7-Day vertical
Right-click context menu offers options to:
- Selecting the measurement unit: Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Hybrid (UK)
- Enable/Disable Speaking
- Enable/Disable Forecast tooltips
- Edit weather variables
- Edit translation variables
- Edit skin variables
- Open the @Resources folder
- Select the Next Style
- Open Rainmeter skin menu
Translations of the weather data are done by setting the language variable in 'Edit Weather Variables'
Translation of the forecasts and context menu items to your language can be done via the context 'Edit Translation Variables' option
I have not tested the speech using languages other than English; your forecast speech may not sound correct
Speech plugin by JSMorley
Icons by Apexxx-Sensei & Naman Rastogi
Feedback welcomed
Statistics: Posted by eclectic-tech — Today, 2:41 pm